Enrico Prandini is the new President of CECE

Since January 1st, 2018, Enrico Prandini is the new President of CECE. As previous First Vice President he succeeded Bernd Holz.

Since January 1st, 2018, Enrico Prandini is the new President of CECE. As previous First Vice President he succeeded Bernd Holz. The CECE presidency is a rotating post held for two consecutive years by each of the associations representing their member nations. Enrico Prandini is Managing Director of Komatsu Italia Manufacturing, one of the Komatsu’s Global Officers and Vice President of the Italian Construction Equipment Association UNACEA. During his 27 year career at the company he worked in several positions and developed Komatsu Italia operations into one of the European poles of the group. Today, Komatsu Italia Manufacturing in Este designs, manufacture and distribute earth moving machines from 1 to 17 tons.

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